SKU: 17PANFB14 Category:


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  • 3 Packs Per Box
  • 8 Cards Per Pack

Each Box contains 4 Autographs and 2 Memorabilia Cards!



Each 2017 Panini Vertex Football Hobby Box contains 4 Autographs and 2 Memorabilia Cards!

Two On-Card Autographs Per Box!

Discover an eclectic mix of unique trading cards in the debut of Vertex! On average, every box will deliver a Capstones insert, which features four jersey swatches and an on-card autograph! All Capstones autographs are sequentially numbered to 99 or less!

Be on the hunt for two autograph inserts that are true 1-of-1s! Number Ones has autographs from players who were drafted No. 1 overall in the NFL Draft, and One of a Kind features signatures of NFL superstars!

Look for Highly Revered, Upper Tier Signatures, The Ascent, Difference Makers, Vertex Signatures, Apogee Autographs, and Championship Ink among the many autographs found in Vertex Football.

Vertex Materials, Portraits, Unbreakable, Domination, Closers, and Startups are some inserts that feature material from past and present NFL stars.

Vertex showcases a variety of printing technologies to deliver distinct, jaw-dropping inserts! Look for cards that feature micro-etch patterns, striking photography techniques and more!


CAPSTONES – ONYX/ROOKIE – MARBLE/LEGENDARY – GRANITE: On average, every box of Vertex delivers one Capstones jersey autograph card! Look for rookies, veterans and legends of the game in this insert that features four memorabilia swatches and an on-card autograph. Capstones has four unique parallels: Quartz, Granite, Marble & Onyx. All Capstones cards are #’d/99 or less!

ONE-OF-A-KIND: From the players to the quantity, this on-card autograph set is only One-of-a-Kind.

CHAMPIONSHIP INK: Only Champions sign here. All #’d/25 or less.

HIGHLY REVERED: Highly Revered celebrates all-time greats with On-Card autographs. All #’d/99 or less.

NUMBER ONES: Featuring Number One overall picks in the NFL Draft, this autograph insert is second to none! All cards are 1-of-1’s.

PAST & PRESENT: Merging the Past & Present, Vertex Football shows collectors what could have been!

STARTUPS – OYNX: Startups include oversize memorabilia and has three different levels of prime material! All #’d/99 or less.